Valerie, Stephen, Andrew and Elizabeth Evans have lived at 1 Hall Cottages, Lt. Thurlow Hall, for the past seven months (the children joined their parents here in July). Valerie was born in Dartford, Kent and Stephen and Elizabeth in Watford. Andrew was born in Bath.
Valerie is the cook at Lt. Thurlow Hall and Stephen is a distribution manager with an office in Bracknell selling electronic components. Elizabeth is at Hills Road Sixth Form College in Cambridge and Andrew is at Parkway.
Andrew’s favourite leisure pursuit is swimming, with biking and computing (with his PlayStation) as his other recreations. Elizabeth is a great reader, listens to the radio, likes surfing the internet and cinema. Valerie has no time for leisure pursuits and shops late at night from catalogues.
Stephen is a “passionate astronomer”. He writes articles for the “Astronomical Journal”. He is also a keen gardener.
Positive aspects of living in Thurlow are: it is a very nice village; Valerie’s job is here; and it is a lovely picturesque location. Steve particularly appreciates the “good sky with no obtrusive lights”. Elizabeth likes the location and Andrew enjoys his school.
Valerie and Stephen feel there are no negative aspects, although Andrew thinks he likes town life better. Elizabeth still misses her friends, and there are not many leisure centres nearby where she might make new ones. Elizabeth is also a violinist who started playing at grade 1 and has now just passed grade 5.