Jane and Andrew Sendall live at 115a The Street, Lt. Thurlow with their two children Hannah, aged five, and Harry, aged three. Andrew and Jane were born in Hampshire, Hannah in Basingstoke and Harry in Bahrain. They moved to Thurlow four months ago but because of the high rent will probably find it more sensible soon to buy a house of their own. Jane and Andrew moved to Thurlow from Bahrain where they had spent five happy years.
Thurlow has made a great impression on them, and their neighbours across the road Sue and Kevin Beal have become particular good friends.
Kevin was able to advise and help in the getting rid of the many mice in the house when they first moved in the nursery rhyme “Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse ran up the clock”, took on a new meaning for them!
Jane says the village shop and post office are welcoming and she finds it extremely well stocked. The well cared for recreation ground has been another source of great pleasure to them and their children.
Andrew is a hydrographic surveyor/computer software writer, and works for Tower Hydrographics Ltd. at Burrough Green (the converted water tower). Jane is employed by Wendy Barnes at Lt. Bradley for DELTA the deaf education through listening and talking, and is currently applying for primary teacher training at two colleges to further her career.
Hannah attends the Lt. Thurlow Primary School and Harry the Thurlow, Bradley and District pre-school for two mornings and Happy Days Nursery, Dullingham for three mornings.
Andrew and Jane enjoy amateur dramatics, somewhat curtailed at present because of their young children, swimming and taking their children to Kidzown at Haverhill Sports Centre.
Jane has found the bridge at Lt. Thurlow, near the telephone box, rather dangerous while walking her children to and from school because of cars braking rather late to give way to other traffic.