Betty and Jim Talbot and their son Gary live at 12 Pound Green. Jim was born at Gt. Thurlow and has lived in the village all of his life. Betty was born in Gt. Shelford and met Jim when visiting relatives in the village. They have been married for forty one years. Betty is a child-minder at Thurlow school and Gary is a bar manager at Sudbury. Prior to retirement Jim worked at Addis Brush Co. in Haverhill for thirty eight years as a storeman. They also have another son called Neal who lives at Newmarket and a daughter, Lorraine, who lives in Haverhill and has three children Darren, Tanya and Daniel whom they adore.
For recreation they play bowls, and enjoy crib, dominoes and darts in Thurlow Cock. Betty for years supplied the Bowls and Cricket teams with refreshments and is renowned for her sponge cakes.
The family enjoy village life and feel there are no negative aspects to living here, but they have noticed an increase in the number of new buildings and more traffic over the years.